Pencil Grinder Tools

How does Air Turbine Tools® Patented Technology Help You?

The lowest vibration, weight and sound level of any rotary tool. Eliminate die grinder RSI and working time limits!

Air Turbine Tools® pneumatic pencil grinders deliver high torque and high speed at 25,000 RPM to 90,000 RPM. Our governor and power to 1.4 HP maintain your rated speed in the cut. With our pneumatic pencil grinders and routers, you get faster production, cleaner finished surfaces and extend your cutting tool life. Just guide our air pencil grinder with a light hand as “Speed does the cutting”.  These unique air pencil grinders are the best in class, design and features. Designed for a comfortable grip, compact size and precise point, industrial operators achieve safety and reliability with an Air Turbine Tools® pencil grinder or router.

These Air Tools Cut Steel and Stress

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Hand Tools Series

Power to 1.40 hp (1.04 kW) maintains the high speed in cut.

Technical Advantages

No heat, no maintenance, no lubrication and no oil misting. End frequent repairs. Traditional vane tools and electric grinders require maintenance, frequent vane replacement, and lubrication or control systems. Air Turbine Tools® don’t!

Our pneumatic tools have just 2 moving parts – Our powerful patented turbine and air-cooled bearings. Just connect dry 90 psi / 6.2 bar air supply with a filter accessory on the line.


Select the Air Turbine Tool® to use in your application, including:

Grinding, finishing and deburring parts, polishing and deburring metal, part cleaning, engraving, routing wood, metalworking, deburring steel alloys, tool and die making, deburring edges, glass etching, surface finishing, weld removal, routing PCB and composites, trimming and drilling rubber, metal and flash removal, milling plastic, cutting fiberglass and more!

Air Turbine Tools® Reduce Fatigue and Repetitive Stress Injury Risk

Traditional die grinders and vane power tools are heavy, vibrate and heat up, causing discomfort to the operator and burnout. Our pencil grinder operates with ultralow vibration at weights from 6 oz (1.15 kg). 

Transform your work experience with Air Turbine Tools®

Quickly, precisely and comfortably remove burrs and imperfections with our pencil grinder. These powerful tools also operate under 67 DBA so you no longer need ear plugs. What a difference!

Air Turbine Tools® comprise a range of 70 unique governed high-speed pneumatic air tools, pencil grinders, die grinders, angle grinders, deburring tools, router tools and finishing tools, including some models sometimes referred often referred to as Dremel rotary tools or hand-held power tools. Air Turbine Tools® pneumatic die grinders cut cleanly as our ultra-high speed optimizes carbide burr and die grinder bit tool life and improves your surface quality. Air Turbine Tools® pneumatic die grinders cut cleanly as our ultra-high speed optimizes carbide burr and die grinder bit tool life and improves your surface quality.

Using our pencil grinders, you will feel and hear a difference immediately!

All you need is 90 psi / 6.2 bar air pressure to operate these pneumatic hand tools. Our air pencil grinders are lube-free, making this air die grinder range environmentally friendly and eliminating part mist.

Eliminate working time limits! Ergonomic Air Turbine Tools® have the lowest vibration of any hand pencil grinder range and reduce handarm stress because our pencil grinders are lightweight with ultra-low vibration. Make quick work out of any project with our expertly designed pencil grinder using tips and points. These material removal tools are so quiet, operating under 65dBa.

Try our patented gearless 45° and 90° degree angle grinders for superior precision and comfort in hand.

With only two moving parts and no gears, brushes, or vanes, Air Turbine Tools® pencil and die grinders require no maintenance.

Update your deburr equipment with our rotary tools, and you will improve your productivity.

Try Air Turbine Tools® – compare this new technology with other air grinders and see for yourself.

Service & Support

Support is always available from our technical team in the USA and Germany. Repair Service is available in Florida and Munich. Call our factory technicians at +1-561-994-0500 or email us at